Publications and presentations

Image description: the word 'dream' written in metal as a large bike rack
Taken 16 August 2015 in Bratislava 

Please find below a list of pieces I have written or had published elsewhere. This aims to be a mixture of academic and non-academic pieces, to reflect my commitment to sharing knowledge and ideas in ways that are accessible to a wide range of audiences (and not only academic ones).

Please always reference me if you read my work and use my words or are influenced by my ideas.

If an academic piece is sat behind a paywall, please use the contact box to contact me and I'll see what I can do to make it accessible to you.

My ResearchGate profile is linked here.

My publications:

Waldock, K. E., McCarthy, M., & Bradshaw, J. (2021). Conceptualising belonging: the views of Autistic people (poster 2021). Kent Graduate Researcher Showcase. - here 

Keates, N., Dewar, E., & Waldock, K. E. (2021, July). Lost in the literature: Trans people with intellectual disability-A narrative review. In JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH IN INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES (Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 1276-1276).  NJ USA: WILEY. - here 

Waldock, K. (2021). "Doing Church" During COVID-19: An Autistic Reflection on Online Church. Canadian Journal of Theology, Mental Health and Disability, 1(1), 66-70. - here

Waldock, K. E., & Forrester-Jones, R. (2020). An Exploratory Study of Attitudes toward Autism Amongst Church-Going Christians in the South East of England, United Kingdom. Journal of disability & religion, 24(4), 349-370. - here 

Waldock, K. (2020). The Upside-Down Kingdom: Stories of Disabled and Neurodivergent Christians in Churches (book review). Inclusive Church. Retrieved from: - here

Woods, R & Waldock, K.E.. (2019). Critical autism studies. In F. Volkmar (ed). Encyclopaedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Retrieved from here.

Waldock, K.E. (2019). Inclusive education for autistic children: helping children and young people to learn and flourish in the classroom (book review). Good Autism Practice. 20(2). 88-89.- here

Woods, R., Waldock, K.E., Keates, N. & Morgan, H. (2019). Empathy and a Personalised Approach in Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. - here

Waldock, K., & Forrester-Jones, R. (2019). An exploratory study of attitudes towards autism amongst church-going christians in four protestant churches in the south-east of England. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 63(7), 847-847. - enquire for slides

Waldock, K.E. (2019). Commentary on ‘Thinking Differently? Autism and Quality of Life'. Tizard Learning Disability Review. 24(2). 77-81. - here 

Waldock, K. & Watts, G. (2019). Creativity, self-expression and 'autistic space'. Gradpost. Summer 2019 edition. - here
(cited by Dr Shaun May at the How I Communicate conference, London on 3rd July 2019).

Interviews on academic research:

Transcript from interviews on BBC local radio stations 7th July 2019 re paper with Professor Rachel Forrester-Jones - here

My presentations:

Conceptualising belonging: the views of Autistic people at PARC Autumn online conference, October 2021 - here 

The Mad and Crip Theology Podcast 6 - Krysia Waldock and Mike Walker, completed July 2021 - here

Modelling Effective Inclusivity by 'Responsiveness as Responsibility', with Donna-Lee Ida and Susie Bass, at PARC Summer online conference, June 2021 - here and here 

Neurodiversity: for Thinking about God differently Church service at St Martin in the Fields, London - October 2019 - here 

Neurodiversity, faith and social justice - Thinking about God differently, Inclusive Church disability conference 2019 - October 2019 - here

Challenging notions of social inclusion provision in churches - March 2019 - here

Researching autism as an autistic researcher - December 2018 - here 

Belonging conference 2018: autism and churches - September 2018 - here

'Thought for the Day' I have presented on Radio Kent:

Connecting coproduction and religious groups - March 2019 - here

On stoicism and fortitude - April 2018 - here

'I'm different and I'm perfect' - September 2017 - here

updated: 19.12.21

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